22 novembre 2009

PR Book of the Year

I am writing this post in english as an hommage to what I believe is the Public Relations Book of the year: Online Public Relations: A practical guide to developing an online strategy in the world of social media  (Second Edition) by David Phillips and Philip Young.

I have read many great Web 2.0 and PR books this year. My favourites include the popular Putting the Public Back in Public Relations by Deirdre Breakenridge and Brian Solis and of course Shel Holtz' and John C. Havens' wonderful Tactical Transparency.

But Phillips and Young's Online Public Relations is, in my point of view, the most accomplished and pedagogical. A must for anyone working in or studying PR today.

Although the stamp and foresight of UK' s CIPR  is evident  (Phillips was one of the authors of The Death of Spin ? IPR, April 2000) Online Public Relations goes much deeper into the implications of porosity, agency and transparency.

In today's world of search engines and consumer-generated-content, internet mediated PR demands a dramatically different approach at the level of strategy because the difference is not so much in tools of communication but in their connectivity.

Social media is changing the dynamics of the conversations that shape relationships and that allow businesses to grow. Whatever the need for labels such as PR 2.0 or "the new PR",  public relations must be considered as a strategic function concerned with relationship management and optimization.

The rapid growth, as well as the continuing evolution of social media, shift the vector of communication from a vertical broadcasting model to a horizontal discourse among networked commentaries that aggregate into reputation. In this perspective, it will also be the actions of organizations that matter most and not the "desired messages".  For instance, if one looks at CSR, it is quite clear that the reach and influence of social media allow stakeholder groups to impact on activities and performance.

The authors also note that social media voices need identity if they are to be considered authentic. These voices need to be linked to a named individual rather than an anonymous communicator or the "invisible hand" that was once an indication of professionalism. Online, relationships are built through the expression of individual values, and these values gain power through the cement of trust, and trust is, as always the "holy grail" for all practionners. An organization that can build this kind of trust will have a powerful influence on reputation and consequently on performance. Today's practionner may well not only become a trust agent, as Chris Brogan and Julien Smith would put it, but also eventually an agent of change.

In order to earn trust, practionners need to understand the geography of social media, the nature of Internet society, its new models of information exchange, its commercial implications and especially the people's use of the internet as media: platforms, channels, and context. All these elements, issues, and more, are addressed by the authors in specific chapters.

Unfortunately, many if not most organizations do not have a corporate internet  strategy all the while social media is changing the nature of economics, politics and culture. Because the internet is so significant in communications and in relationship mediation, the authors make a strong case to stress that this change is a PR issue from top to bottom.

From management approaches to planning (landscaping) to discussing ethics in a transparent world and developping PR strategies and tactics, Online Public Relations is a must read for students and professionals alike.

Thanks for reading.

Patrice Leroux, APR

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Merci pour ce billet et d'ailleurs pour toutes les recommandations de livres 2.0 dans ton blogue en lien avec les rp. J'ai consulté la table des matières de la publication susmentionnée et je commande le livre dès que je termine mon commentaire. Ne serait-il pas intéressant d'inviter les auteurs à un événement RP à Montréal ? À mon avis, la chose serait fort utile en combinant une tournée de nos universités et d'activités pour les professionnels des rp de Montréal. Guy Litalien

Patrice Leroux a dit…

Merci Guy Litalien. Vous ne regretterez pas la lecture de ce livre. David Phillips est une figure très connue en Angleterre et au Royaume-Uni. Il a été parmi les premiers à s'intéresser aux implications des nouvelles technologies (et d'Internet en particulier) sur les relations publiques. On a tout intérêt à mieux connaître les publications anglaises dont l'excellent Online Public Relations.

Carl Blais a dit…

Merci pour le résumé, Patrice. Si ce livre peut aider les professionels des RP (et les gestionnaires) à bien saisir les enjeux des réseaux sociaux web, tout le monde en sortira gagnant.

Patrice Leroux a dit…


Merci de votre commentaire.

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patriceleroux by patrice leroux is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.
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