Si le document ci-dessous n'arrive pas à vous convaincre des nombreux avantages et bénéfices du blogue dans un contexte d'affaires, rien n'y fera !
Sous l'égide de Stephen Waddington, The Business of Blogging rassemble 14 essais traitant du blogue, non seulement pour les affaires mais également comme canal privilégié pour le développement personnel et celui d'une véritable communauté.
Trois des 14 essais abordent également l'avenir du blogue.
Si Wordpress et Blogger font toujours parti des 20 canaux/sites les plus populaires au monde, comment se fait-il que le blogue n'est toujours pas un média dominant, comme on l'avait prédit il y a près de 20 ans ?
Voilà une des questions centrales à laquelle les auteurs répondent, chacun à sa manière.
Bonne lecture !
The Business of Blogging from Stephen Waddington
Quelques citations choisies
[...] "With the importance of content in search, social media and PR, blogging continues to be a viable asset for businesses to produce conversational content outside of the transaction oriented online stores and corporate websites." [...]
[...] " No, blogging itself is not dying. It’s simply necessary for the long-tail strategy and contents to be more sophisticated and mindful in order for a blog to not only survive but thrive." [...]
Merci de votre lecture !
Patrice Leroux
Quelques citations choisies
[...] "With the importance of content in search, social media and PR, blogging continues to be a viable asset for businesses to produce conversational content outside of the transaction oriented online stores and corporate websites." [...]
[...] "But the benefit is not just from writing my own blog, but also from reading other quality blogs and constantly expose myself to new thinking and ideas that hopefully make me a better public relations professional." [...]
[...] "Globally, we’re seeing more internal communicators starting to blog and I continually learn by reading them. For example, two of my favourites are by Aniisu K Verghese in India and Csaba Szücs in Hungary. Through them I experience comms in other cultures and aid my own professional development." [...]
[...] " I’ve blogged for five years. Why do I blog? Because I can flesh out an idea far easier online than in practice. I can capture or share. It’s changed how I think, how I work and I’m finding doors opening that the blog has led me to. " [...]
[...] " No, blogging itself is not dying. It’s simply necessary for the long-tail strategy and contents to be more sophisticated and mindful in order for a blog to not only survive but thrive." [...]
[...] "As the media has become more fragmented and readers continue to dictate when, where and how they consume media, blogging has evolved into more than the diary-esque entries of the 90s, taking form as long and short text, image and video updates tailored for increasingly niche audiences. " [...]
[...] "Forget about SEO, audience targets, thought leadership, keyword placements and other marketing-related stuff that makes most blogs that start out with those manufactured things in mind utterly sterile. Instead, concentrate entirely on what you want to say, and say it - naturally, informally, as if you’re in conversation with just one or two people. Write with confidence and, above all, with passion. " [...]
@jangles (Neville Hobson)
[...] " Exposing this process to a wider audience (my Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts, Twitter and Google+ followers) brings in alternative points of view from others involved in the same process. " [...]
@mediaczar (Mat Morrison)
[...] " Social media has undoubtedly made it easier for everyone and anyone to express an opinion, compared to when the blog paved the way for personal online publishing, and became word of the year in 2004. Compare this to 2013’s equivalent: ‘selfie’ and it is evident why blogging remains important. You simply cannot learn, develop, network or engage others on any meaningful level with a 'selfie’ or other immediate, disposable form of social media. " [...]
@greenbanana (Heather Yaxley)
[...] " I am also certain that every new role I have been offered has in some way been helped by my blogging profile and presence. I know that the requests I receive to speak at conferences have been a direct result of my blog presence. " [...]
[...] "The criticism of blogging in the early days was of ‘dumbing down’: too much instant, undigested commentary being published without thought and without the guiding hand of an editor. Now, compared to the speed of sending a Tweet, creating a blog post seems a substantial literary achievement. Call it personal publishing, and view it as a step towards a professional communication strategy. Just please stop calling it blogging. " [...]
@behindthespin (Richard Bailey)
[...] "It would be hard to argue that blogs have been as disruptive as some other Web 2.0 platforms but they definitely continue to be a significant channel and can reach and engage with specific audiences in a way that would otherwise be very difficult. " [...]
@mediations (Philip Young)
[...] "The reality is that most blogs are poorly managed, attract dismal readership numbers and are soon abandoned. Does this mean that blogging is dead? Of course not. It just means it’s not easy. Like most things in business the blogging market is subject to the basic principles of supply and demand. " [...]
@TopLineFounder (Heather Baker)
[...] "There are the business bloggers to consider too. Around a third of Fortune 500 companies have a blog, a statistic I find mystifying. Why wouldn’t a company launch a blog, given the low barriers to entry and possible upside? " [...]
@lakey (Chris Lake)
Merci de votre lecture !
Patrice Leroux
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